Saturday, January 31, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009


I applied for a freelance writing position requiring character descriptions for a website that sells clothing and stuff for the cute-but-kinda-morbid set. In addition to the description, each character is accompanied by a rhyming poem, and the poem is what you had to send with your resume. The character they wanted a sample for is a seal. I thought of 2 other angles (greedy fish eater, practical jokester), but this is what I settled on:

Sassy the Seal did not care for rules;
She thought the word “no” was for suckers and fools.
Her parents were dumb and her teachers were lame,
Crossing the line was the name of her game.
One day as she swam near the “No Swimming” sign,
Sassy decided she’d swim right on by;
It was just one more rule for which she had scorn,
And Sassy’d had sass since the day she was born.
She never did see the sharks swimming near –
The reason the sign was placed there and not here –
And alas for poor Sassy, the moral is so:
Sometimes it’s wise to listen to “no.”

I'm bummed actually, that I could not work into that the following couplet, which I really love:

For a seal is a seal, and a shark is a shark,
And one has more teeth than the other has bark.

Aside from that, I got nothin'. I feel really under the weather and crummy. Also, I've done something whack to my elbow, and it HURTS in a major, major way and is just getting worse. I went to apply for a waiting job today (don't get me started on how much I don't want to do that), and when I came back to my car after the 30 whole seconds it took to walk up, hand the guy my resume, and walk back, my lights were on, and I discovered I'd locked my keys in the car. 90 minutes later, the tow truck guy arrived, popped the lock, and gave me a jump. An hour later, I went to pick up dinner, and they were out of what I'd ordered, which is the only thing I like there.

Yep. It's Monday.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The old blog is unlocked again

I unlocked for anyone who wants to look at it again. I figure the person I locked it away from probably forgot about it by now. That was over 6 months ago.

Night, all.

Dude. Or as Richard Simpson used to say: DOODah.

So I emailed one of the show's producers, and she said the decisions was made to credit the people who worked on the stories for each specific episode, rather than a blanket, series-wide credit each episode. Okay, but I was still an assistant story editor when one or two of the stories that aired last night were written.

Napoleon hates the Shakespeare collar the vet gave me to keep him from pulling off his bandage. Poor puppy. Me, I find it hilarious watching him run into things, but I also feel really bad for him, what with having compassion and loving him and all, so I went to Target and got some kid socks, and so far, they're keeping him from tearing at the bandage and saving him from the collar. Plus, they're adorable, so it's a win-win. :)

Feeling pretty hopeless I'll ever find a job that pays what I need it to. I applied for a job tonight on a start-up that will pay a whopping $500/week. Half what I normally make. I'm hoping that if I get hired, the pay will bump up when the business starts turning profit. And I will get stock, so we'll see. It would be nice to put time in one something lasting. Still, $500 a week is shockingly bad. I'd make more than that as a waiter working 25 hours a week, and judging from the ad, I'm going to be putting in around 50-60 on this. We'll see how the interview goes, I guess.

This week has truly been the suck. I'm really thankful for my friends. You know who you are.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

That's awesome.

Just found out I got no credit for the show I spent the spring working on. The one I wrote 11 stories for. The glorified loggers who got bumped up in title only to Assistant Story Editor, though? (one of whom was the crappiest logger I've ever seen) They got credit. On the story card.

On top of that, Napoleon had to go to the vet for a $200 abscess in his front left paw today.

Color me so happy.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Officer resigns after BART shooting

The officer who shot unarmed Oscar Grant in the early morning hours of New Year's Day has resigned in the most cowardly way possible. He has already refused to speak to either BART investigators or the District Attorney's office, and now, instead of attending a meeting with Internal Affairs at which he would have to answer questions, he instead sent his attorney with a letter of resignation, effective immediately, to the meeting.

If he's not guilty of executing Oscar Grant, I can think of no good reason for his actions. Most people who accidentally shot and killed another person would cooperate with investigators. Police officers who accidentally shoot and kill people are especially protected from the effects of their actions, since when they do it, they don't immediately go to jail the way the rest of us do, and they're trained for this sort of thing. So for him to not only refuse to cooperate with the investigation, but to also quit his job so that he can not be compelled to talk to Internal Affairs strikes me as not only cowardly, but guilty. At the very least, he seems to be hiding something, and that's not exactly the actions of a man who made an honest mistake. I'm just sayin'.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Just checkin' in.

Time's are tough all over...Calli's hubby got downsized today, along with half his company. I especially like how they let everyone go on Christmas break and then made them all bust serious ass on New Year's Eve, all without once mentioning, oh, hi, as soon as the holidays are over, we're canning you without notice.

My NY's resolution is to not say anything about someone else (or another tv show) unless I can say something nice. I've already failed it 3 times. I made it because in this town, it's dangerous to have opinions. Let alone strong ones of the less than favorable variety. But the entertainment business is a very - VERY - small world. 'Course, if I end up never working in television again, my views on - oh, say, Donald Sutherland - won't ever matter to anyone, anyway.

Napoleon has taken to sucking on Razzle's puppy bed. Actually, he doesn't suck. He just gathers up as much of it as he can, crams that in his mouth, and then lies there holding onto it with his paws on either side. Since he also obsessively chases his tail, I looked it up. Apparently sensitive dogs (lol; I just accidentally typed "dongs"...bygones) and shelter dogs that were "rehomed" a lot do that. It's like a comfort thing, like a binky or a security blanket. He's a weird little dude, that puppy. He has issues. Which of course just makes me love him even more.

I've been taking both the pups on walks every day. They're behaving slightly better and coming when called a little better, but there's a long way to go, yet. I'm really worried they'll never really be obedient enough to come when called no matter what, and that's such an important thing that it's stressing me out.

I got TB a ukulele for Christmas. He didn't get it until today because this was the first chance I had to go pick it up. He digs it, so I'm glad I got it, even though we said no presents this year since the economy sucks it and I'm not working.

I really, really, REALLY need a job. :(

I'm freezing my ass off right now.

I'm crocheting a spiral scarf* with this thread. I hate it. It smells funky, and it's freaking impossible to work with. Also, surprisingly, the scarf weighs a freaking TON.

*the one I'm making is MUCH longer.

I'm really tired of listening to Barack Obama's plans to "reach out to Republicans" and how the Pubbies in Congress will have their own demands when he submits his stimulous package to them on January 20. For 6 longass years (or more), I have had to eat Republican crap. They battered at Democrats in Congress with absolutely no regard whatsofuckingever for what was fair or good or decent or best for the country overall, and now, I'm supposed to just shrug and say no hard feelings, and I don't fucking want to do that. I want to smack each and every one of them in the head with a good hard croquet mallet. Just once, and not enough to do any longterm damage, but damn it, what I do NOT want to do is pretend the last 8 fucking years did not matter. Because they did, god damn it. And the fact that Barack Obama wants to pretend there are no hard feelings and no damage done just confirms every single thing I felt about him during the primaries and leading up to the election after he got the nomination. It also cements the feeling that there's no difference at all between the two parties in power; they both want to screw the people of this country over if they can make money doing it, and they do not give a damn about us. I'm telling you people, we are poised on the brink of a depression, if we have not already started down the slide, and it's going to get a LOT uglier before it improves. I really think some people in this country better watch themselves, or their callous, self-centered crap is gonna land them in very unpleasant situations. The peasants seem to be finally starting to figure out just how badly they're getting shafted, and historically, that has not gone well for the non-peasants. I'm just sayin'.

I don't advocate violence in any way (well, in some instances I do, but not in this particular instance/example), but I have to say, I kinda think revolt would be a good thing. Starting over from scratch might be just the thing. It certainly worked for France. Not that I think we should drag people from their beds at night. Just that I think the people of this country need to make it clear exactly who it is actually makes this country function. And it's not some sweatshop in China or call center in India or a corporate asshat driving his Excursion to dinner while he pulls down 8 or 9 figures a year.

I'm just sayin'.

And on that note, I think I should probably get back to "work". Nice chattin' with ya.


ps. yet another $7-800 Billion stimulus package? are you f'g kidding me? how the hell are we supposed to pay for that AND the occupation of Iraq AND the war in Afghanistan AND the $750 Billion giveaway to the financial asshats who landed us all in this mess to begin with? it can't work that way. i'm telling you, way worse before it gets better. you might want to start burying your money in coffee cans...

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Am now totally hooked on World of Warcraft.

This is especially painful because a) I can't afford it right now, and b) I don't really have time to play it even if I could afford it. Talk about major time suckage. It was a lot of fun, though. :)

Blame Calli. :)

Also, Happy New Year. :) Let's hope 2009 is a good one.
