I'm rebranding my jewelry & skin care business so that I can include stationery and greeting cards and the like. :)
Right now, all I have up is a splash page. I'm spread a little thin at the moment. But let me know what you think, ay? :)
ps. totally addicted to marian call's got to fly cd. i heartily recommend. :)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Stormy Ghost Chasers...or Ghostly Storm Chasers
Me again. Tonight, I saw another reality show on Discovery or somesuch "educational" channel, Storm Chasers.
What a train wreck, in all the ways Bad Girls Club isn't. It's horrible. Simply horrible. I refuse to believe that ANY of those people are actually scientists. Srsly. To give you an idea:
1. Rename the show Ghost Chasers.
2. Change all references to tornadoes/rotation to ghosts/ectoplasm/cold spots/EVP/spectral activity.
You won't have to amp up the melodrama or high theatrics even the tiniest bit. It's already there. It reminds me of an episode of Ghost Hunters, only way less interesting. Ghost Hunters has a certain campy goodtime to it, and since I've encountered a ghost or 2 and know they're actually out there, Ghost Hunters kinda fascinates me. It's terrible, but there's a level of cheese to it that I adore and find amusing. Not so much with Storm Chasers.
Not so much at all.
What a train wreck, in all the ways Bad Girls Club isn't. It's horrible. Simply horrible. I refuse to believe that ANY of those people are actually scientists. Srsly. To give you an idea:
1. Rename the show Ghost Chasers.
2. Change all references to tornadoes/rotation to ghosts/ectoplasm/cold spots/EVP/spectral activity.
You won't have to amp up the melodrama or high theatrics even the tiniest bit. It's already there. It reminds me of an episode of Ghost Hunters, only way less interesting. Ghost Hunters has a certain campy goodtime to it, and since I've encountered a ghost or 2 and know they're actually out there, Ghost Hunters kinda fascinates me. It's terrible, but there's a level of cheese to it that I adore and find amusing. Not so much with Storm Chasers.
Not so much at all.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Oh no, you di'int.
While channel surfing today, I came across the Bad Girls Club reunion show. Star Jones and 8 women kvetching and calling each other names, threatening to punch each other out. It was like an episode of The Bachelor crossed with Jerry Springer and then plastered with Dayglo colors and more piercings, tattoos and makeup than you can shake a stick at. It was fascinating in it's awfulness.
Why did nobody tell me this wonder existed?!
The fighting. The swearing. The namecalling. The fiercely trashy trash. Finally, a reality show that makes no bones about its very purpose: participants degenerating into the worst they can possibly be, barring murder and possibly actual physical violence. It's like a slow motion trainwreck, one in which you know someone's head is going to roll, but you want to look closely to see where the special effects are because it's just that incredibly perfect in its explosive destruction. And I can't believe I like it, but I went on YouTube after to look for a specific clip (and ended up watching a few others), and Holy Toledo, it's fantastic. I'm sure there's something wrong with me - the girl who hates reality tv precisely because it's so manufactured and manipulated - but these women are so completely out of control on their own, that chunking them all into a house and watching them go all Lord of the Flies on each other is just completely awesome and mindboggling. I want more!
Somebody help me.
Why did nobody tell me this wonder existed?!
The fighting. The swearing. The namecalling. The fiercely trashy trash. Finally, a reality show that makes no bones about its very purpose: participants degenerating into the worst they can possibly be, barring murder and possibly actual physical violence. It's like a slow motion trainwreck, one in which you know someone's head is going to roll, but you want to look closely to see where the special effects are because it's just that incredibly perfect in its explosive destruction. And I can't believe I like it, but I went on YouTube after to look for a specific clip (and ended up watching a few others), and Holy Toledo, it's fantastic. I'm sure there's something wrong with me - the girl who hates reality tv precisely because it's so manufactured and manipulated - but these women are so completely out of control on their own, that chunking them all into a house and watching them go all Lord of the Flies on each other is just completely awesome and mindboggling. I want more!
Somebody help me.
One more thing about gay marriage...
Mike Huckabee was on The Daily Show recently, and John Stewart got into it with him over gay marriage. Huckabee took the age-old argument about how marriage is strictly defined between a man and a woman and only exists to perpetuate the species, blah blah blah.
I submit this:
If marriage is so all-fired important to keep between a man and a woman and only exists to perpetuate the species and protect the glory of procreation, then the ONLY reason people of any persuasion should be allowed to marry is to procreate. Every single couple who gets married in this country should be forced to sign a legal contract with the state agreeing to procreate within a set period of time - say, 5 years - and if they do not by the date stipulated on their contract manage to conceive and give birth to a healthy child, their marriage should be rendered null and void, and they should be barred from ever marrying each other again.
If marriage exists to perpetuate the human race, I can not see why this should be a problem for all the religious asshats out there who consider gay marriage an abomination. They should be willing to agree to this condition, and if they are not, I call hypocrite.
Big time.
I submit this:
If marriage is so all-fired important to keep between a man and a woman and only exists to perpetuate the species and protect the glory of procreation, then the ONLY reason people of any persuasion should be allowed to marry is to procreate. Every single couple who gets married in this country should be forced to sign a legal contract with the state agreeing to procreate within a set period of time - say, 5 years - and if they do not by the date stipulated on their contract manage to conceive and give birth to a healthy child, their marriage should be rendered null and void, and they should be barred from ever marrying each other again.
If marriage exists to perpetuate the human race, I can not see why this should be a problem for all the religious asshats out there who consider gay marriage an abomination. They should be willing to agree to this condition, and if they are not, I call hypocrite.
Big time.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Hola, Peeps!
I forgot to post Happy Holidays before they actually began, so please consider this my retroactive best wishes for the holiday season. :)
Computer time's been at a premium lately anyway, so most of the time when I got near my computer, it was just to check email and update my status line on Twitter. Also, Jumpin' Jeebus on a pogostick, was I stressed. The holidays are not always warm and fuzzy times here, and this year was pretty suck. Let's move on...
The pups are doing well. We go for a mile walk every day the weather permits, and that seems to be helping build rapport with them. Razzle is much better behaved now and even comes when he's called...sometimes. Napoleon still has extremely selective hearing when it comes to his name, but he's slightly better, too. Both of them are hellions much of the time, but they're getting better since the walks started. Good advice, that. :)
Let's see...
I got everything I asked for for Christmas: remote shutter for camera (not the wireless one, but that's okay), new camera battery, and Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog on dvd. w00t! I also got a cover for the lcd on my camera, which I really wanted but couldn't find. :)
Just before the holidays, I bought a present for myself, Marian Call's Got to Fly cd, and I love it. Especially Nerd Anthem, She's a Good Old Girl, and It's Good to Have Jayne on Your Side. :) If you're a fan of Firefly/Serenity, you won't be disappointed in it, and the music's good on it's own. Even the songs specifically written about certain geek shows are very broad, so if you aren't a tv geek, you can still dig the tunes for their own music and merit. The lyrics are not specific in most cases, and those that are are only specific if you happen to know the reference. Otherwise, they're just lyrics. Most people probably don't know that "She'll fly true" is a line from Firefly - in the context of the lyrics it does not stand out in geekitude in the slightest. The one utterly Firefly song is actually a real song written by someone else about an Alaskan man named Shane; it's pretty funny all she did was change the name Shane to Jayne and the word mothers to mudders, and it works perfectly. :)
I'm really glad Christmas is over and New Year's is almost done, too. I'm spending my time trying to find a job, rebranding Dragonfly to Bijoux Bisous so I can sell stuff other than jewelry, and girding my loins to actually do my taxes. Aside from that, it's still all puppies, all the time. TB is going out of town for 4 days beginning on Thursday, I believe, so I probably won't be around much except between the hours of 11p and 2a, when both dogs are finally in bed and sleeping.
That's all I got. I hope everyone had a good Christmas/Hanukkah and has a safe and happy New Year's Eve. All good things for all of us in 2009. Fervently wished.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Meows is back!
The kitty is found. :) Some people had her a couple of miles away, way down on Ventura Blvd. I had put her poster up at our vet's (along with every other vet's office in like a 10 mile radius), and the neighbors of the people who found her told them they'd seen her picture up and gave them the number. So they called Ty this morning, and he went and got her and surprised me with her. I'm really glad she's safe and sound and happy to have her back again, but I'm worried she won't stay. :( That would suck, so please send the happy kitty vibes for her to stay. I knew in my heart she hadn't gotten killed, so I'm really glad to see her again. I hope she stays.
In other news, it's 54 degrees in the house, and I'm freezing my ass off. I want heat. I hate being cold. Like, really hate it. It makes me bitchier than you've ever seen a woman. It makes me want to punch things. I seriously can't take being this m*!#$!$^!&*@$%g cold all the time. It makes me want to not do anything but stay in front of a space heater or under tons of covers. Unfortunately, my living situation allows for neither. Can I point out exactly how fucking miserable it is to do dishes when it's 50 fucking degrees in your house? You can't do dishes in a fucking parka. You also can't really comfortably eat, brush your teeth, clean the bathroom, do laundry, or any other household chore in a fucking parka.
Did I mention the irritability? Coz dude, the cold makes me really fucking irritable. And the longer I'm cold, the more irritable (which is how nice people say bitchy) I get. I can be cold going outside. I can be cold waiting for my car to warm up on a drive in the cold outside. I can be cold in a host of places and under a wealth of situations, but I NEED MY MOFO-ING HOUSE TO BE WARM. I need my bed to be warm. I need to be able to get out of bed in a house that's not 45 frigging degrees or colder in the mornings. If I can see my breath inside my house, IT'S TOO MOTHERF'G COLD IN IT. I will give up television. I will give up the internet. I can not give up central heat and hot running water. I just can't. This sucks beyond all measure. (i do wish to point out we have hot water. if we didn't, i'd murder someone. just to get that out there.)
So now, I have to go stand in the bathroom in my parka and brush my teeth while the space heater warms the room enough for me to change from my clothing to my flannel sock monkey pj's as fast as is humanly possible, and then jump into my nice, icy cold bed. I hope the dogs aren't too cold. :( They don't have covers. They're inside, but they don't have a doghouse or anything to build heat. :( I worry about them.
But the cat's home. That's definitely a good thing. Vibes and energy, please.
In other news, it's 54 degrees in the house, and I'm freezing my ass off. I want heat. I hate being cold. Like, really hate it. It makes me bitchier than you've ever seen a woman. It makes me want to punch things. I seriously can't take being this m*!#$!$^!&*@$%g cold all the time. It makes me want to not do anything but stay in front of a space heater or under tons of covers. Unfortunately, my living situation allows for neither. Can I point out exactly how fucking miserable it is to do dishes when it's 50 fucking degrees in your house? You can't do dishes in a fucking parka. You also can't really comfortably eat, brush your teeth, clean the bathroom, do laundry, or any other household chore in a fucking parka.
Did I mention the irritability? Coz dude, the cold makes me really fucking irritable. And the longer I'm cold, the more irritable (which is how nice people say bitchy) I get. I can be cold going outside. I can be cold waiting for my car to warm up on a drive in the cold outside. I can be cold in a host of places and under a wealth of situations, but I NEED MY MOFO-ING HOUSE TO BE WARM. I need my bed to be warm. I need to be able to get out of bed in a house that's not 45 frigging degrees or colder in the mornings. If I can see my breath inside my house, IT'S TOO MOTHERF'G COLD IN IT. I will give up television. I will give up the internet. I can not give up central heat and hot running water. I just can't. This sucks beyond all measure. (i do wish to point out we have hot water. if we didn't, i'd murder someone. just to get that out there.)
So now, I have to go stand in the bathroom in my parka and brush my teeth while the space heater warms the room enough for me to change from my clothing to my flannel sock monkey pj's as fast as is humanly possible, and then jump into my nice, icy cold bed. I hope the dogs aren't too cold. :( They don't have covers. They're inside, but they don't have a doghouse or anything to build heat. :( I worry about them.
But the cat's home. That's definitely a good thing. Vibes and energy, please.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Yesterday & a Meme
Yesterday was flat out awful. Really awful. Nothing good to say about it whatsoever. I watched a single vulture buy the entirety of my grandmother's household contents for $300, including the rug I played on with Gramma as a child. It far exceeded my expectations of how crappy an experience it was going to be.
I'm going to leave it there, because I'm trying not to sound negative, but suffice to say this:
1. I cried. Hard. And I'm still very upset.
2. I think when you die, you will have to answer to God for taking advantage of people, especially hurt or helpless people. And the woman who did that yesterday can suck it. So can the auctioneer, who clearly knew her and helped her do it. His attitude alone was miserable.
3. As predicted, yes, my uncle did hold his hand out. And he was very unhappy to find out he wasn't going to get anything. My mom used the entire $400 we got yesterday (see next paragraph) to pay for her plane ticket.
I did get my grampa's rocking armchair, which I love very, very much, and the grandfather clock. I'm trying to focus on that and the fact that one very, very nice and compassionate man (named Mike) also showed up to the auction, and I will never, ever forget his kindness. He paid $95 for some odds & ends in a lot that was on the dining room table, and while I know he wanted 2 of the items from the lot, they weren't really worth a hundred bucks. I was just grateful to see them go to him, because I knew they had value to him, they weren't something to sell for profit. Mike, wherever you are out there in the Inland Empire, I love you, man. I really, really do. God bless and keep you, always.
So moving on...Brea Grant - who I am following on Twitter - has a blog, and she posted this meme to it: childhood celebrity crushes. I figure if Brea Grant can embarrass herself in this manner, so can I. So here goes, roughly in order of their occurrence.
1. Glenn Campbell - I used to sit in front of the tv when I was little and blow kisses at the man during his variety show, The Glenn Campbell Goodtime Hour. I don't know why. My mom and dad thought it was the cutest, most adorable thing ever. I remember doing it and that when the show came on, Mom would have to pry me away from the giant console television set, as I insisted on sitting on the floor, front and center about 3' away from the screen. That's about how close you could sit before everything dissolved into RBG dots, and when Mom would tell me to move back, I'd begrudgingly (really begrudgingly) move back to the 4' mark. I'm sure this part of my life was the mold for making me the gigantic geek I am today.
2. John Denver - What can I say? I like 'em quirky.
3. Gene Kelley - I just thought Gene Kelley was the cat's meow. Brilliant smile; soft, melodic voice; grace; dignity; and he was built. ::sigh:: What's not to love? I happily admit to still having a bit of that crush. I always will. And if a Gene Kelley movie is on, you bet your buttons I'm watching it. And crushing on Gene. :)
4. Randolph "Randy" Mantooth - Many, many hours were spent in front of the tv pining for Rampart's trusty first responder. ::deep, heartfelt sigh::
4. Sean Cassidy - I know. I'm still trying to live it down. I don't even want to tell you how huge and all-encompassing this crush was. It's just way too humiliating. Leif Garrett, HA. The Brothers Gibb? Triple HA. Parker Stevenson? Don't make me laugh. I was Sean's girl, through and through.
5. Mark Hamill - Look, I was in 7th grade. Han Solo was too intimidating. Luke Skywalker was earnest and safe and totally adorable. Don't worry; I rectified this in high school. (Ironically, btw, when I grew up and moved to California, I became friends with my friend Bill, who it turns out went to college with Mark Hamill and was in the theatre arts department with him...and had a huge crush on Hamill's girlfriend. Bill said every girl on campus had a huge thing for the Lukester.)
6. Dirk Benedict - Again, I *know*. All I have in my defense is Battlestar Galactica. Who among us did NOT have a crush on Starbuck? Besides you wheenies who had things for Richard Hatch, of course. ;)
If we extend this into the high school years - and since we're on a roll, why don't we; it's slightly less embarrassing - we get (in order of crush):
7. Tom Selleck - Magnum P.I. Seriously, need I say more? I had his posters on my bedroom wall and the doors to my room and my closet.
8. Pierce Brosnan - Smoldering intensity, brooding good looks, tall, dark, handsome. Remington Steele.
9. Timothy Hutton - His picture was on my closet door, too. Clearly, I really had a thing for earnest guys. I can only guess this is because I was so darned earnest, myself.
10. Harrison Ford - Also on the closet door. :) I still have a bit of this crush still going fairly strong. Dude: he's Han Solo and Indiana Jones. How can you not think he's totally rugged and dreamy, in theory, at the very least? Also? Working Girl. Earnest and safe and totally adorable. Which I'm sure is every guy's dream description. ;)
11. Tom Cruise - I am so over this crush, it's not even funny. It was pretty intense for a few years, but the freakishness of certain aspects of his life way killed it, believe me. Plus, he always plays the same nihilistic asshole in all his films, so I don't even admire him as an actor anymore. Rest in peace, old crush, and good riddance.
That probably brings us to the present, but I am not going to tell you who my secret celebrity crushes are, just in case they google their names and end up here, because if I ever meet them in person, I don't want them to have preconceived notions about me. And sure, that's ridiculous and laughable, and I wouldn't blame you for thinking I'm a freak for thinking that, but The Boyfriend? Was once a celebrity crush of mine back in the day, and then we met at a birthday party, and now we live together. So there. :)
I'm going to leave it there, because I'm trying not to sound negative, but suffice to say this:
1. I cried. Hard. And I'm still very upset.
2. I think when you die, you will have to answer to God for taking advantage of people, especially hurt or helpless people. And the woman who did that yesterday can suck it. So can the auctioneer, who clearly knew her and helped her do it. His attitude alone was miserable.
3. As predicted, yes, my uncle did hold his hand out. And he was very unhappy to find out he wasn't going to get anything. My mom used the entire $400 we got yesterday (see next paragraph) to pay for her plane ticket.
I did get my grampa's rocking armchair, which I love very, very much, and the grandfather clock. I'm trying to focus on that and the fact that one very, very nice and compassionate man (named Mike) also showed up to the auction, and I will never, ever forget his kindness. He paid $95 for some odds & ends in a lot that was on the dining room table, and while I know he wanted 2 of the items from the lot, they weren't really worth a hundred bucks. I was just grateful to see them go to him, because I knew they had value to him, they weren't something to sell for profit. Mike, wherever you are out there in the Inland Empire, I love you, man. I really, really do. God bless and keep you, always.
So moving on...Brea Grant - who I am following on Twitter - has a blog, and she posted this meme to it: childhood celebrity crushes. I figure if Brea Grant can embarrass herself in this manner, so can I. So here goes, roughly in order of their occurrence.
1. Glenn Campbell - I used to sit in front of the tv when I was little and blow kisses at the man during his variety show, The Glenn Campbell Goodtime Hour. I don't know why. My mom and dad thought it was the cutest, most adorable thing ever. I remember doing it and that when the show came on, Mom would have to pry me away from the giant console television set, as I insisted on sitting on the floor, front and center about 3' away from the screen. That's about how close you could sit before everything dissolved into RBG dots, and when Mom would tell me to move back, I'd begrudgingly (really begrudgingly) move back to the 4' mark. I'm sure this part of my life was the mold for making me the gigantic geek I am today.
2. John Denver - What can I say? I like 'em quirky.
3. Gene Kelley - I just thought Gene Kelley was the cat's meow. Brilliant smile; soft, melodic voice; grace; dignity; and he was built. ::sigh:: What's not to love? I happily admit to still having a bit of that crush. I always will. And if a Gene Kelley movie is on, you bet your buttons I'm watching it. And crushing on Gene. :)
4. Randolph "Randy" Mantooth - Many, many hours were spent in front of the tv pining for Rampart's trusty first responder. ::deep, heartfelt sigh::
4. Sean Cassidy - I know. I'm still trying to live it down. I don't even want to tell you how huge and all-encompassing this crush was. It's just way too humiliating. Leif Garrett, HA. The Brothers Gibb? Triple HA. Parker Stevenson? Don't make me laugh. I was Sean's girl, through and through.
5. Mark Hamill - Look, I was in 7th grade. Han Solo was too intimidating. Luke Skywalker was earnest and safe and totally adorable. Don't worry; I rectified this in high school. (Ironically, btw, when I grew up and moved to California, I became friends with my friend Bill, who it turns out went to college with Mark Hamill and was in the theatre arts department with him...and had a huge crush on Hamill's girlfriend. Bill said every girl on campus had a huge thing for the Lukester.)
6. Dirk Benedict - Again, I *know*. All I have in my defense is Battlestar Galactica. Who among us did NOT have a crush on Starbuck? Besides you wheenies who had things for Richard Hatch, of course. ;)
If we extend this into the high school years - and since we're on a roll, why don't we; it's slightly less embarrassing - we get (in order of crush):
7. Tom Selleck - Magnum P.I. Seriously, need I say more? I had his posters on my bedroom wall and the doors to my room and my closet.
8. Pierce Brosnan - Smoldering intensity, brooding good looks, tall, dark, handsome. Remington Steele.
9. Timothy Hutton - His picture was on my closet door, too. Clearly, I really had a thing for earnest guys. I can only guess this is because I was so darned earnest, myself.
10. Harrison Ford - Also on the closet door. :) I still have a bit of this crush still going fairly strong. Dude: he's Han Solo and Indiana Jones. How can you not think he's totally rugged and dreamy, in theory, at the very least? Also? Working Girl. Earnest and safe and totally adorable. Which I'm sure is every guy's dream description. ;)
11. Tom Cruise - I am so over this crush, it's not even funny. It was pretty intense for a few years, but the freakishness of certain aspects of his life way killed it, believe me. Plus, he always plays the same nihilistic asshole in all his films, so I don't even admire him as an actor anymore. Rest in peace, old crush, and good riddance.
That probably brings us to the present, but I am not going to tell you who my secret celebrity crushes are, just in case they google their names and end up here, because if I ever meet them in person, I don't want them to have preconceived notions about me. And sure, that's ridiculous and laughable, and I wouldn't blame you for thinking I'm a freak for thinking that, but The Boyfriend? Was once a celebrity crush of mine back in the day, and then we met at a birthday party, and now we live together. So there. :)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Prop 8 - The Musical
I think it should be called "Prop 8!". ;) I just wish it were longer than 3m13s.
Cast (in order of appearance):
California Gays and The People That Love Them
Jordan Ballard, Margaret Cho, Barrett Foa, J.B. Ghuman, John Hill, Andy Richter, Maya Rudolph, Rashad Naylor, Nicole Parker
Proposition 8'ers and The People That Follow Them:
Prop 8 Leader- John C. Reilly
Prop 8 Leader's #1 Wife - Allison Janney
Prop 8 Leader's #2 Wife - Kathy Najimy
Riffing Prop 8'er - Jenifer Lewis
Preacher - Craig Robinson
Scary Catholic School Girls From Hell - Rashida Jones, Lake Bell, Sarah Chalke
The Frightened Villagers - Katharine "Kooks" Leonard, Seth Morris, Denise "Esi!" Piane, Lucian Piane, Richard Read, Seth Redford, Quinton Strack, Tate Taylor, Brunson Green
Special Appearances:
Jesus Christ - Jack Black
A Very Smart Fellow - Neil Patrick Harris
Piano Player - Marc "Marc" Shaiman (who also wrote)
Cast (in order of appearance):
California Gays and The People That Love Them
Jordan Ballard, Margaret Cho, Barrett Foa, J.B. Ghuman, John Hill, Andy Richter, Maya Rudolph, Rashad Naylor, Nicole Parker
Proposition 8'ers and The People That Follow Them:
Prop 8 Leader- John C. Reilly
Prop 8 Leader's #1 Wife - Allison Janney
Prop 8 Leader's #2 Wife - Kathy Najimy
Riffing Prop 8'er - Jenifer Lewis
Preacher - Craig Robinson
Scary Catholic School Girls From Hell - Rashida Jones, Lake Bell, Sarah Chalke
The Frightened Villagers - Katharine "Kooks" Leonard, Seth Morris, Denise "Esi!" Piane, Lucian Piane, Richard Read, Seth Redford, Quinton Strack, Tate Taylor, Brunson Green
Special Appearances:
Jesus Christ - Jack Black
A Very Smart Fellow - Neil Patrick Harris
Piano Player - Marc "Marc" Shaiman (who also wrote)
Friday, December 5, 2008
Random Stuff
I was driving to the bark park today when I thought of something I needed to call Calli about. So I whipped out my trusty cell phone at the red light and scrolled through the past calls menu to her number, hit dial, hit speaker, and clipped it to my seatbelt, across my chest. As I'm doing that, I hear "Now that's hands-free," from the car next to me, which I am aware has been sitting there the entire time I've been doing this. (We have a new law here stating you can't use a cell phone while driving unless you can do so without holding it in your hands.) I look over, and there, in plain view and big as day, are two uniformed members of the Los Angeles Police Department, complete with big ol' Crown Victoria LAPD black & white cruiser.
I grinned, and they grinned back.
I said, "I don't have to hold it, and then when I'm finished, all I have to do is flip it closed. (not, strictly speaking, true; I have to hit the end button too, but I don't have to look at the phone to do that, and even with a hands-free device, you have to press something to end the call.) That's legal, right?"
"Hey," he says, "as long as it's hands-free, I'm good with it."
I grinned and said have a nice day, and the light changed, and he said you too, and we went our merry ways.
Links with your Saturday coffee:
Bush Strikes Again - I'm pretty easy on gun owners, because I recognize the importance a gun can have for home protection, and if I could afford one, I'd have one myself. But there's not a single reason on God's green earth you need to take a concealed weapon into a national park, and that's just one drunken idiot or asshole away from a whole heap of crap waiting to happen. Seriously. All this does is make park rangers' jobs more difficult and possibly dangerous. Twenty-five frigging years, we did not have yahoos with concealed weapons taking them into the national frigging parks. And we do not need them to. Yet another reason to hate George Dubya Bush and the NRA.
The show I worked on during the spring is finally set to air...opposite American Idol, where I'm sure it'll head out like gangbusters. I dare you to view that preview and then tell me with a straight face that it's not meant to appeal to a certain part of the population, namely the same assholes who will be taking their concealed weapons into national parks, and Sarah Palin. I bet the Palin household will be big fans. I promise when I was working on it that while I did feel a large amount of conflict for basically helping produce propaganda for DHS, I was unaware I was working directly for the Powers of Darkness. Oh, the horror.
I completely heart Twitter. Blame Feng and Angelina. Actually, come to think of it, blame Feng. What I really love about it is that besides being able to track what tons of random people are doing in the world, actors like Greg Grunberg and Brea Grant, both from Heroes, not only post updates on what they're doing, they take pictures, too! Love!
I have conquered my Bejeweled2 addiction.
And replaced it with Cubis2.
What the hell are some people thinking?
Reason 232 to like people.
I love how white collar assholes like AIG get what basically amounts to a blank check to do with as they will, but blue collar guys not only have to come up with a plan and accountability, they don't even get all the money they asked for. In fact, they get about 1/10th what AIG got, even after AIG spent a million dollars of its bailout money on massages and golf trips for their executives. Yeah. No class warfare there. No sir.
Step back from the hyperbole, Tallulah. You're done. :)
Have a good weekend, everybody.
peace out,
I grinned, and they grinned back.
I said, "I don't have to hold it, and then when I'm finished, all I have to do is flip it closed. (not, strictly speaking, true; I have to hit the end button too, but I don't have to look at the phone to do that, and even with a hands-free device, you have to press something to end the call.) That's legal, right?"
"Hey," he says, "as long as it's hands-free, I'm good with it."
I grinned and said have a nice day, and the light changed, and he said you too, and we went our merry ways.
Links with your Saturday coffee:
Bush Strikes Again - I'm pretty easy on gun owners, because I recognize the importance a gun can have for home protection, and if I could afford one, I'd have one myself. But there's not a single reason on God's green earth you need to take a concealed weapon into a national park, and that's just one drunken idiot or asshole away from a whole heap of crap waiting to happen. Seriously. All this does is make park rangers' jobs more difficult and possibly dangerous. Twenty-five frigging years, we did not have yahoos with concealed weapons taking them into the national frigging parks. And we do not need them to. Yet another reason to hate George Dubya Bush and the NRA.
The show I worked on during the spring is finally set to air...opposite American Idol, where I'm sure it'll head out like gangbusters. I dare you to view that preview and then tell me with a straight face that it's not meant to appeal to a certain part of the population, namely the same assholes who will be taking their concealed weapons into national parks, and Sarah Palin. I bet the Palin household will be big fans. I promise when I was working on it that while I did feel a large amount of conflict for basically helping produce propaganda for DHS, I was unaware I was working directly for the Powers of Darkness. Oh, the horror.
I completely heart Twitter. Blame Feng and Angelina. Actually, come to think of it, blame Feng. What I really love about it is that besides being able to track what tons of random people are doing in the world, actors like Greg Grunberg and Brea Grant, both from Heroes, not only post updates on what they're doing, they take pictures, too! Love!
I have conquered my Bejeweled2 addiction.
And replaced it with Cubis2.
What the hell are some people thinking?
Reason 232 to like people.
I love how white collar assholes like AIG get what basically amounts to a blank check to do with as they will, but blue collar guys not only have to come up with a plan and accountability, they don't even get all the money they asked for. In fact, they get about 1/10th what AIG got, even after AIG spent a million dollars of its bailout money on massages and golf trips for their executives. Yeah. No class warfare there. No sir.
Step back from the hyperbole, Tallulah. You're done. :)
Have a good weekend, everybody.
peace out,
Sigh. It's 2008, and still.
You'd think that by now people would have gotten used to the idea that black people are people too. We live in a country full of people who are not like us, no matter what we happen to be. So it really should come as no big deal when a black man is elected president. It should come as no big deal when a woman runs for president. Or that gay people would like to be married.
And yet, the world is full of scared, little idiots.
I really don't understand this mindset, at all. I understand that some people are terrified of anything not like themselves. And I understand that for pretty much 8 longass years, this country has been fueled more and more by people in Washington who set the standard for drawing lines in the sand and dividing the country into Us and Them. But apparently, the citizenry of this country is even more frightened and ignorant than I give them credit for. Which is saying a LOT, because frankly, I revile much of America for being completely stupid. No offense, but I see so much stupidity and nastiness on a daily basis that I really kinda gave up on most of my fellow countrymen some years ago. I realize some of you are aces, and that's the only thing that keeps me going, so don't think I've written the lot of you off. But I *have* decided that about 90% of you suck. Just clearly not the 10% reading here. I am all about the tough love, and if you were one of the 90, you wouldn't be here, so please don't feel put upon. I love you. And I don't think you're walking around spouting "kill kill," so let's move on.
Thanks for the birthday greetings and love. :) I spent the day doing nothing and going to the bark park. Actually, not nothing. I did unload the dishwasher. :)
Someone emailed me about a job and then failed to email me back. I wish she'd email back. I could use one. I'm about to head out to Westlake on Monday afternoon and see about a waiting job out there, in a deli. I'm not thrilled with this proposition, but times are tough, and they just got a LOT tougher in the Doyle household. Hopefully when EDD calls on Saturday, they'll see I'm not a sick slacker and will give me my benefits back, because other cuts were just made to the household, as well. :( I really think this is going to turn into a depression, if it's not already. If you have a job in this economy, be stoked, no matter how crappy a job it might be.
So we're starting a new year here, what with the birthday and all, and I'm going to try to make my posts more positive. Oh, don't worry, there will still be kvetching. I don't think I can blog without kvetching, what with this being my only form of therapy and all, but I also subscribe to that whole your thoughts are your words are your deeds thing, and if I want to be happier, I have to try to be happier, and I guess that means I shouldn't blog so much dour and sour crap. It's easier to blog the bad, because there's so freaking much of it these days, but the good needs more airing, too. I admire those people who are happy. Or seem happy. I want so much to be like them. The positive people. The shiny, happy people. I don't understand how they do it anymore than I do the hateful, hate-spewing bigots. But it's probably easier to pretend to be one of the Happy. I've been doing that most of my life. I just need to remember how. Maybe then I'll find hope again. Hope makes it a lot easier to be happy. Or to seem to be, anyway. And seeming is believing. Or something like that. ;)
And yet, the world is full of scared, little idiots.
I really don't understand this mindset, at all. I understand that some people are terrified of anything not like themselves. And I understand that for pretty much 8 longass years, this country has been fueled more and more by people in Washington who set the standard for drawing lines in the sand and dividing the country into Us and Them. But apparently, the citizenry of this country is even more frightened and ignorant than I give them credit for. Which is saying a LOT, because frankly, I revile much of America for being completely stupid. No offense, but I see so much stupidity and nastiness on a daily basis that I really kinda gave up on most of my fellow countrymen some years ago. I realize some of you are aces, and that's the only thing that keeps me going, so don't think I've written the lot of you off. But I *have* decided that about 90% of you suck. Just clearly not the 10% reading here. I am all about the tough love, and if you were one of the 90, you wouldn't be here, so please don't feel put upon. I love you. And I don't think you're walking around spouting "kill kill," so let's move on.
Thanks for the birthday greetings and love. :) I spent the day doing nothing and going to the bark park. Actually, not nothing. I did unload the dishwasher. :)
Someone emailed me about a job and then failed to email me back. I wish she'd email back. I could use one. I'm about to head out to Westlake on Monday afternoon and see about a waiting job out there, in a deli. I'm not thrilled with this proposition, but times are tough, and they just got a LOT tougher in the Doyle household. Hopefully when EDD calls on Saturday, they'll see I'm not a sick slacker and will give me my benefits back, because other cuts were just made to the household, as well. :( I really think this is going to turn into a depression, if it's not already. If you have a job in this economy, be stoked, no matter how crappy a job it might be.
So we're starting a new year here, what with the birthday and all, and I'm going to try to make my posts more positive. Oh, don't worry, there will still be kvetching. I don't think I can blog without kvetching, what with this being my only form of therapy and all, but I also subscribe to that whole your thoughts are your words are your deeds thing, and if I want to be happier, I have to try to be happier, and I guess that means I shouldn't blog so much dour and sour crap. It's easier to blog the bad, because there's so freaking much of it these days, but the good needs more airing, too. I admire those people who are happy. Or seem happy. I want so much to be like them. The positive people. The shiny, happy people. I don't understand how they do it anymore than I do the hateful, hate-spewing bigots. But it's probably easier to pretend to be one of the Happy. I've been doing that most of my life. I just need to remember how. Maybe then I'll find hope again. Hope makes it a lot easier to be happy. Or to seem to be, anyway. And seeming is believing. Or something like that. ;)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Freaking. OUT.
So, my unemployment check did not come today. What *did* come was a letter telling me they've scheduled a phone interview for me December 6 between 1 and 3pm. As if there's going to be anyone in a government office on Saturday. I don't think so.
The reason for this is because apparently, I've put down too many sick days. Which I did so that I could prolong my benefits. When I didn't *need* the whole whopping $373 a week they give me, I would put down a sick day or 2. Then the week I helped my mom, I put down all 7. Apparently, this was exactly the wrong thing to do. The letter says they don't think I'm capable of working and that I might want to consider having a "representative" on hand during the interview.
No stress, there.
Plus? I'm out of money. And Napoleon has a staph infection that cost me $116 today.
I have a pounding headache, and my back is tied up in knots. On top of my own stress, I'm now having to deal with Ty's, because he wanted to know why I'd gotten so bitchy, and I told him, knowing full well he would make it all his problem, and then I'd have to deal with that on top of my own frigging stress.
I sure could use that frigging incentive check they sent out to everyone but me. And I have to do all my taxes this month...and I just realized I forgot to send in my sales and use taxes, which are absolutely, positively, can't be any later, MUST be paid by, due tomorrow. Fuck.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
The reason for this is because apparently, I've put down too many sick days. Which I did so that I could prolong my benefits. When I didn't *need* the whole whopping $373 a week they give me, I would put down a sick day or 2. Then the week I helped my mom, I put down all 7. Apparently, this was exactly the wrong thing to do. The letter says they don't think I'm capable of working and that I might want to consider having a "representative" on hand during the interview.
No stress, there.
Plus? I'm out of money. And Napoleon has a staph infection that cost me $116 today.
I have a pounding headache, and my back is tied up in knots. On top of my own stress, I'm now having to deal with Ty's, because he wanted to know why I'd gotten so bitchy, and I told him, knowing full well he would make it all his problem, and then I'd have to deal with that on top of my own frigging stress.
I sure could use that frigging incentive check they sent out to everyone but me. And I have to do all my taxes this month...and I just realized I forgot to send in my sales and use taxes, which are absolutely, positively, can't be any later, MUST be paid by, due tomorrow. Fuck.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
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