Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Oh no, you di'int.

While channel surfing today, I came across the Bad Girls Club reunion show. Star Jones and 8 women kvetching and calling each other names, threatening to punch each other out. It was like an episode of The Bachelor crossed with Jerry Springer and then plastered with Dayglo colors and more piercings, tattoos and makeup than you can shake a stick at. It was fascinating in it's awfulness.

Why did nobody tell me this wonder existed?!

The fighting. The swearing. The namecalling. The fiercely trashy trash. Finally, a reality show that makes no bones about its very purpose: participants degenerating into the worst they can possibly be, barring murder and possibly actual physical violence. It's like a slow motion trainwreck, one in which you know someone's head is going to roll, but you want to look closely to see where the special effects are because it's just that incredibly perfect in its explosive destruction. And I can't believe I like it, but I went on YouTube after to look for a specific clip (and ended up watching a few others), and Holy Toledo, it's fantastic. I'm sure there's something wrong with me - the girl who hates reality tv precisely because it's so manufactured and manipulated - but these women are so completely out of control on their own, that chunking them all into a house and watching them go all Lord of the Flies on each other is just completely awesome and mindboggling. I want more!

Somebody help me.


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