Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dude. Or as Richard Simpson used to say: DOODah.

So I emailed one of the show's producers, and she said the decisions was made to credit the people who worked on the stories for each specific episode, rather than a blanket, series-wide credit each episode. Okay, but I was still an assistant story editor when one or two of the stories that aired last night were written.

Napoleon hates the Shakespeare collar the vet gave me to keep him from pulling off his bandage. Poor puppy. Me, I find it hilarious watching him run into things, but I also feel really bad for him, what with having compassion and loving him and all, so I went to Target and got some kid socks, and so far, they're keeping him from tearing at the bandage and saving him from the collar. Plus, they're adorable, so it's a win-win. :)

Feeling pretty hopeless I'll ever find a job that pays what I need it to. I applied for a job tonight on a start-up that will pay a whopping $500/week. Half what I normally make. I'm hoping that if I get hired, the pay will bump up when the business starts turning profit. And I will get stock, so we'll see. It would be nice to put time in one something lasting. Still, $500 a week is shockingly bad. I'd make more than that as a waiter working 25 hours a week, and judging from the ad, I'm going to be putting in around 50-60 on this. We'll see how the interview goes, I guess.

This week has truly been the suck. I'm really thankful for my friends. You know who you are.


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