Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fat bottom girls, you make the rockin' world go round.

I walk into Chevron on the way to Jonny-C's tonight, and the guy behind the counter says, "You've put on a little weight."

Yep. It is not good when the guy at the gas station notices your butt has gotten bigger. I know he wasn't trying to be mean or anything though, so I nodded and said yep. I get my Diet Coke and a meal replacement bar and set 'em on the counter, and he says to me - I kid you not - "This, too, gives fat."

Mm-hm. Yeah.


Aside from that, I had an awesome time playing Rock Band at Jonny-C's. I got my character all set up and rockin' with cute outfits and adorable hair, and the name of my band is Neon Antler, on accounta when I went to Toronto with a bunch of friends the week before Christmas in 1985, we were at a mall, and the displays were these big ceramic reindeer that all had neon antlers, and one of the guys observed that Neon Antler would be a good name for a band, and that if he ever formed one, that's what he was going to call it. I concurred, so tonight when we were trying to think of a band name, I grabbed that out of the distant passages of my memory, dusted it off, and slapped it up on the wall. So that's who we are, a chick band out of Montreal, named Neon Antler. My character is Siouxsie, because that's more hip than Katie-D., and I wasn't feeling especially creative namewise. Now I just need my own Wii. :)



  1. 1. Love "Neon Antler."
    2. Hello, gas station guy? Personal references, whether flattering or not, are inappropriate. I might have let the first one go, but when he criticized my choice of merchandise, I would probably have put it back and said, "You just lost a little revenue from being right. How'd that work out for you?"

  2. I've known him a long time, and he's very fatherly. I wasn't offended at all. I probably would have been if it had come from someone else. Still, it's a bummer he noticed.

    :) Glad my band name is cool. :)
