Saturday, November 8, 2008

Apologies & Bygones (I hope)

I need to step back from my vitriol of Wednesday.

I'm frustrated, and spewing anger is not going to help the situation. The thing to do now is to take a proactive stance and move forward, not point fingers. I was really upset when I wrote that, but it's no excuse. And it's entirely possible that in pointing the finger, I upset people I would not want to offend. People like Jon & Tom, whom I love. It's never really a good idea to devolve into an us and them sort of thing, which is kinda what I did. I didn't mean to, but I did, and I don't want to do that. There's already enough of it going around, the last 8 years. So please accept my apologies for being so freakish. I'm sure plenty of LGBT peeps voted against the prop. Maybe there are fewer of them than I think in the state, and it's just that there were way more jerks voting for it than all us straight allies and LGBT peeps voting against it. And I never meant to make it sound like straight people don't hold blame for not voting either, because they do. I just had that whole people who won't stand up for themselves thing in my head. I'm sorry I wrote it, and I deleted it. Suffice to say, I'm really disappointed in the whole Prop 8 thing and looking to move forward in anyway I can to help destroy it.

Peace out,


  1. I love your passion and I'm glad there's plenty of it for your friends.

    That Girl

  2. thank you. i wish i'd been more thoughtful about how i posted, though!
