Sunday, November 2, 2008

Yummy Chunks of Goodness

Curse you, Jack In the Box, and your mini churros of deep fried cinnamon-sugary goodness, too. I am powerless against you, and you KNEW I would be.

Brace yourselves for this, peeps: I am enjoying my job at the BCB.

Yes, I said I *am* enjoying it. I get up at 5:30a, which is not so enjoyable, but I only work from 7-11 (7-12, if I want to work late), and for the first 2 of those hours, there are no customers in the store for me to deal with. I get to do displays, which I really LIKE doing, and even when we open, there aren't many people in the store for the first hour or 2, so I mostly get to work uninterrupted. I freaking LOVE it. And?

I got a raise! :) 50 freaking cents, which is awesome. When I got my last raise, it was only a quarter. Then the minimum wage in California went up 50 cents, which meant I got a 50 cent bump last fall, and now another raise. Awesome awesomeness. It still doesn't pay great, but it's as much as unemployment is, and it's a whole dollar above minimum, and I'm enjoying the work, so I'm actually quite happy. If things were going well on the home front, I'd really be totally satisfied.

Unfortunately, things are not going so great there. Let's not talk about it. I'm really just trying to figure out how to get out of this mess I've created for myself, and floundering in the process. Let's just say both of us will be much happier when we are no longer living under one roof.

I had more, but I can't remember what. I'm happy to be voting on Props 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, and 12. Yes on the others. No on the measures. Barack Obama, baby. Fingers crossed.



  1. Hugs. Is there anything I can do?

    Barack Obama 2008!

    That Girl

  2. No, but thank you for asking. If I end up moving to NJ, you'll be the FIRST person I call. ;)
