Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Goin' to the chapel...

Or the JP, as the case may be. :) No, not me; Jonny C and his Sig-O Tom are tying the knot this Friday, and I am going to the ceremony. :) They're doing it now to beat the proposed amendment to the California state constitution, to ban gay marriage. I am adamantly opposed to that amendment, as I don't think any constitution should ever be amended to take away freedom. That's just stupid, crazy talk. But times being what they are, Jon & Tom aren't waiting around to see what happens, and I can't say I blame 'em. It's outrageous that other people even get to vote on whether or not they should be allowed to marry and share their lives together without other people and institutions getting in the way and mucking it up - nay, fucking with it. I think it's shameful that in 2008, a hospital can keep one from the other in case of an accident, or prevent the uninjured one from having a say in the injured one's care. That's not fair and equal treatment, no matter how you look at it. I have a friend who once told me he doesn't oppose gay civil unions, but he doesn't think gay people should be allowed to marry, as he has a hard time equating their relationship with his own, heterosexual relationship with kids. I said well then, he must not equate my own relationship, either, as I don't have kids, and he said well, no, not really, but the two relationships (mine and a gay couple's) aren't the same thing, because I could have kids if I wanted. To which I replied, no, actually, I'm not able to have kids, and it's bullshit that if I could squeeze a little rugrat out my cooch (bygones), that that would somehow mean that I was more entitled to marry than someone who couldn't do it missionary and end up with a bun in the oven. By that logic, I shouldn't be allowed to marry, either. Let's talk uniform standards, people. Either you're only allowed to marry if you can and do reproduce with the person you're marrying, or everyone is allowed to marry. No exceptions. I'm tired of this oppressive, right wing, fear-based crap. Acknowledge and move on, people. Acknowledge, and move the fuck ON.

But I digress. All I mean to say is that I'm really happy for my friends and glad I get to be there and be a part of their happiness on Friday. :)

My new blog, Literary Snark is up and running. There's not much snark to the first entry, because I really loved the book I just finished reading, The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger. It's actually meant to be a community blog, so if you wanna read and review for it, sound off. All you have to be willing to do is write more than "it sucked" or "it rules." And recap any classic book you read, whether you hate it or not. I will be recapping Pride & Prejudice and The Portrait of Dorian Gray at some point, but since I will have to reread them both to do it, it'll be a while.

Now I gotta crash.

peace out,

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