Thursday, October 2, 2008

Of taxes, websites, anxiety, and pups. Roughly in that order.

I got nothing done today that I needed to. Taxes are due on October 15, and I called my mom to see if she'd do them for me (I'll pay her), and I'm so out of it, I didn't even realize they were due in 2 weeks. My mom informs me of that, and I'm all, I'll just get another extension, and she says there aren't any, and I'm like why not, and she points out it's OCTOBER.

How the hell did that happen?

I swear, it was just July yesterday.

I'm freaking out right now. I don't know why, exactly, but I'm depressed and anxious and overwhelmed. I feel like I'm slowly being crushed, and every other day, I have to fight off a feeling of such intense panic that I feel like I might actually snap and have a nervous breakdown.

Maybe it's just a combination of not getting anything done for the last 4 months, coupled with the fact I haven't had a freaking period since early April, and I'm PMS'g my ass off. I don't know. Whatever it is, I wish it would stop. A job would probably go a long way toward helping me get rid of it, I think. Alas.

I got a phone call last week asking me to design a website, but when I returned the call, I got voice mail, and though I've left 2 messages, I've gotten no response.

I *have* designed a website for Calli (Auntie Em) and I, though. It's something we've been talking about for quite a while (like somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 years), so it's nice to be taking steps in that direction. It's sort of a melding of things, from our original idea of making things to our idea of doing blogskins and the like, to finally incorporating our photography, which is something we both really love doing. And we'll probably also sell a few handcrafted items, as well. It's still in the beginning stages. I have to find gallery software that will work on our server. But you can take a look, if you like. That's what I worked on when I had time over the weekend. We're also doing a blog, with photoshop info and free textures and brushes and the like.

That's all I got. It's 3am and I need to crash. One of the pups will wake me up by 9, at the latest.

Here's a picture of the 2 of them. It's a composite I did for a layers tutorial today. Sorry it's so small. I refuse to sign Google/Blogger's bullshit TOS agreement wherein Google gets to do whatever the fuck it wants with my images. Fuck you, Google. This is not a totalitarian state, and *I* own my images. You can kiss my fat frigging ass. Y tu mama tambien, mo@#%&*$(#ers.

Sorry about that, but I really frigging hate Google. They had to work to earn that hatred, too, because I used to sing that company's praises to anyone who would listen. But whatever. Here are the pups. If you click the image, it will take you to the Flickr page for it, where you may view it in two larger sizes.

Layers Tutorial

peace out,

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