Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Introducing People I Dig, Starting with Cannon. :)

Hey. I have decided that once a week or so (namely, whenever I remember I haven't done it in a while), I'm going to single out someone in my life to write about and tell you why I love them and am happy to know them. In no particular order, because there are lots of you, and I don't want to play favorites, and frankly, I think of stuff in a pretty haphazard fashion, on accounta it's all just a big pot of spaghetti with meatballs up there in my head, and really, you never know what you're gonna get a hold of when you dip your fork in there, and it's best just to take stuff as it comes and not really try to organize it. So first up in my thoughts today is my friend Cannon.

I totally adore Cannon. We've been friends for about 22 (going on 23) years, now, and he's one of the best, nicest people I've ever met in my life. He's kind and gentle and thoughtful. He doesn't talk smack about people, and he doesn't say mean, hateful, or hurtful things. He's married and has kids, and I bet he's an awesome husband and father who dotes on his family, as well (he lives 1400 miles away, so we don't see each other regularly anymore). When Cannon tosses his lot in with something, he does it all the way. He doesn't hang back halfway or any of the crap people do when they're doing something for other people that they don't really want to do. If he decides to do it, he does it, and he doesn't whine about it or keep an eye on the door. I'm not saying he walks around like it's the best thing in the world, but he makes the best of any situation, crappy or not. And he doesn't say "I told you so," or any of that stuff that doesn't make you feel any better when things go awry. He sees the best in you, he points out the best in you, and he always makes you feel like you're all right. He has a sense of humor that allows him to make very wry observations about things, generally at just the right moment to make you laugh at whatever situation it's aimed at, which is a serious gift. I really love him.

And that's my friend Cannon. :)

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