Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I love Jonny-C.

I just want to say how much I admire my friend Jon. See, Jon - as the possibly 7 of you reading here know - is gay. And out of the closet. And I think that that's really brave. I was reading his blog, and he has a coupla Prop. 8 ads on it at the moment, and it occurred to me that it would be entire possible for him to get hate mail just because he's gay and dares blog about his life. And that's really frigging tragic. And horrible and disgusting. It sucks that there are people in this country who would do him harm just for the sex he loves and wants to marry. It sucks that Prop. 8 is on the ballot here - and other props just like it in other states - trying to curtail rights for gay people, as if by denying them rights, their very existence can be denied and they will cease to exist. It makes me angry that chicken***t people think they have the right to dictate the lives of others, not only about religion and prayer and marriage, but on such a basic level as love.

In addition, Jon is a very nice person. He doesn't vent his spleen at strangers or say crappy things to people. He doesn't say or do mean things. He's very helpful, and he always tries to be supportive of his friends, even when we do boneheaded stuff repeatedly. But he's healthy enough to know when to step back and let the boneheaded stuff run its course without dragging him down with it...and then to help you pick up the pieces when you realize what an idiot you were and that now you've got a whole lotta crap to pick up and put back in order. And he doesn't say "I told you so" when that happens, either. When you stand up for yourself, he's got your back, and he's always good with the pep talks. He's also very funny and plots really good games. And he likes to play games and doesn't think they're geeky, be it board, video, what have you. Except for headgames, which he's not into. I like that if you ask for his opinion, he gives it honestly without being brutal. He's a very tactful person. I really admire his tact, because lord knows when they were passin' out that talent, they just skipped over me, entirely. Not to mention patience and the incredibly useful ability of knowing when to shut the hell up, 2 other things I totally suck at. There's a lot to like and respect about Jon. I told his husband (husband!) Tom once that Jon is like me, if I were male and well-adjusted. I could do a lot worse than to be like Jon. I wish I were. :)

peace out,


  1. You are too cool. Thank you, hon. Right back at ya.

  2. meant every word. i have to change it, though. you don't *choose* to love people, you just do. the way i wrote it sounds like a choice, and it's not. it's how we're wired.
