Saturday, October 4, 2008

You can't make this stuff up.

Seriously, Sarah? A witch hunter laid hands on you, so made God make you governor of Alaska. Really?

Apparently so. And she raved about it just this June. Here's Keith Olbmermann's story on Thomas Muthee and Sarah Palin singing his praises and helping her be governor by laying hands on her and telling God to make it happen. Oh - and how awesome it is that he didn't ask God to make it happen if it was what was best for all involved. No, he just said hey God, DO IT.

Obama catches crap cause his preacher talks up the race war in this country, but the press doesn't seem to give one whit about Sarah Palin's whacked out pastor and the fact that he travels the world running single women out of towns on rails because they're "witches." THAT, nobody cares about.

It's mindboggling. Here's part of his sermon and the whole laying on of hands thing, wherein Muthee orders God to "make a way" for Palin and to protect her from all those Alaskan witches who are apparently out for Palin's blood and defeat. If you want to skip to the whole laying on of hands thing, it's at 7:04, approximately.

I really don't want someone like this making decisions that affect my life and the lives of people around the world. She believes Iraq is a task set before us by God. It terrifies me that she could actually be the vice president, one bad accident or actuarial event away from the presidency.

Help me, Jesus.

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